
This was my first outdoor shooting. Yes, obviously that i am interesting photography. This is one of the reason that i am taking Graphic Design as my degree course. But i start learn photography during foundation. This is my first outdoor shooting, so the outcome definitely not so good, because people wont do well when 1st time. In this shooting, the photos i shoot total are around 300. Because i scare can't shoot a good photo. I try to use some of the technique in the shooting,like deep of field, long view, close up and etc. During the process, i found my weakness are shoot full body. Because the result come out like don't have the feeling in the photo,so most of the photo i shoot are half body.

 The two photos i show are the best two for me. The reason why i choose as the best photos is because of the angle show in the photos. In photography, angle is very important,because every difference angles can show difference meaning. Sometimes need use upper eye level to shoot, sometimes lower eye level,sometimes close up.

