
I would like to use my family picture as the last blog in this assignment. I am the eldest son and have 2 sister and 1 younger brother. This photo is taken in chinese new year 2012. The reason why i use this photo as my last blog is because i cant study my degree if without my parents. Because my family's economic is not very good and my parents need bring up four of us. It very hard to let me study private school after form 5. My spm result not very good and BM get D, so i cant study form 6 at all. After i get SPM result, i was think a lot, is it i should i continue to study or to work. If study,it will use a lot of money. If work,i can help my family,but my parents will disappointed. So that time i really don know how to do. But my teacher suggest me to continue study and my parents hope so. In the end i decided to study foundation in UTAR.

After first semester in UTAR, i think that foundation is not very easy. Because only have 14 weeks study, after 14 weeks then exam. The period is very short for me. I am passed my first semester, but i am failed in second semester. Because of that, i need extend 1 more sem and study semester 4. The bad luck keep beside me. When i study semester 4,i only take two subject. The thing i cant believe are i failed both. The reason why fail i also don know until now. After semester 5, finally i start my degree life. My parents are very happy, because i can study degree. This is what they hope. Degree life is very difficult, because has a lot of assignments.

My parents are my spiritual pillar. I cant continue study if without them. They are my motivation, because they work hard so long and tired. I need to study well and get a good job to repay them.


Tips for be success by Stephen R. Covey.

Stephen Richards Covey was an American educator, author, businessman, and motivational speaker. His most popular book was 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People'. His other books include First Things First, Principle-Centered Leadership, The 8th Habit, and The Leader In Me - How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at Time. He was a professor at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University at the time of his death.

The reason why i put this in this blog is because I found that it is very useful in our life. We should use this to do anything. Why i say so. We should be a proactive people, if not, we not able to learn anything. Second, we should begin with the end in mind. Before do anything, we should plan it and think the end. Therefore, we can follow what in our mind. Third, we should put first things first. We should know what is important and do it first. Because it maybe affect many things in our life. Fourth, we should think win-win. Because it bring benefit to both side. Fifth, we should seek first to understand, then to be understood. The reason why is because in every step of life, we should understand others first, after that try to let others understand ourself. And learn to listening. Sixth, to be synergize. We should respect the differences, and to build on strengths, to compensate for weakness. Last, Sharpen the saw. We should improve ourself from our body, mental, emotion and spirit.

This seven of tips are not only for business man, everyone can learn this in own life. I will try to learn in our life, because i want to be successful in my life.

Facebook (2012). Retrieved 25th Aug 2012, from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=394687520590309&set=a.319028868156175.75890.319004794825249&type=1&ref=nf


This art work is using up to 50,000 rigid steel nails to create by Marcus Levine,but he manages to it without as much as a sketch. He began hammering nails in to composite wood boards and completed his first real nail artwork in 2005. He continued to perfect his technique, creating increasingly dynamic interpretations of his subjects and pushing the boundaries with each new art piece. He takes between three days and two months to complete one of his hammered masterpieces and uses anywhere between 15,000 and upwards of 50,000 nails. By placing them at various heights and distances, he can create various distinct tones and manipulate the intensity of the contours. He masters several techniques, like undulating the height of a nail or rotating its head round, but he admits that light has a big part to play in his art, as from morning sun to evening sun the shadows across the sculptures change and affect the contrast and by altering artificial lighting, the sculptures can appear as light as a pencil sketch or as dark as a charcoal life drawing.

This is an amazing artwork. Because you can imagine how detail is it. He is very creative and use nails to create artwork. I think people never think nails can create an artwork before, even me also. From all the artwork i seen until now, the thing i get is as a design,you must be creative. Because if not, people wont like your design. Designer also cannt copy other idea. But actually, i am not creative enough. Because everytime i do my design, i cannt have my own idea. I need use a lot of times to think my idea. It wastes a lot of times, and sometimes the idea is not creative. I know i am still learning how to design, need step by step to learn it. I believe that I will be a successful designer one day.

Facebook (2012). Retrieved 15th Aug 2012, from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=443933535651057&set=a.395032037207874.94274.173298326047914&type=1&ref=nf


One does not simply injured in past few match, hasn't fully recovered and still succeed in entering semi-final and win a silver medal, almost defeating the world no.1 player. Except for Datuk Lee Chong Wei.

Yes, on 5th August night, it was an exciting night, because Datuk Lee Chong Wei has against Lin Dan in the badmintion Olympic London 2012. I think whole malaysian will watch match, because he represent Malaysia to participate Olympic London 2012. And the hope of win a medal. He has perform well in this game and close to the gold medal,but unfortunately he lose. He ends his last game in Olympic with win a silver medal. He cries in the court, he cant stand up after the match because of the pain of his leg. He used painkiller in all the games. His leg haven't recover. But he still succeed enter the semi-final and win a silver medal. Although he lose in this game,but in the heart of everyone, he already win this game. Because if without him, the game wont so perfect.

I am very adore Datuk Lee Chong Wei. Because of his spirit. No matter how the situation so worse, he never give up and did well on it. This tell us winner is not just win a game, winner also can win in other ways. People can't so easy to give up, you never try before, you never do before, if you give up before you try,then you lose totally. But if you try, you do, it doesn't mean you lose.

In my life, i am poor in study,it doesn't mean i am poor in everything. But i am good in sport, good in photography. I never give up because of my study poor,otherwise, i try to improve my study.
I believe that i will good in study one day if i never give up.

Facebook (2012). Retrieved 6th Aug 2012, from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=337673449653603&set=a.208245389263077.53709.207611235993159&type=1&relevant_count=1.


This is the group assignment for visual communication when study sem 1. The requirement of this assignment is use the element of design and principle of design to complete the artwork. The element of design are include line, shape, color, texture and space. The principle of design are include balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis and unity. The element of design and the principle of design are very important, because every design will use this two to create.

In this artwork, we use different pieces of paper to combine it. We draw different shapes on different pieces of the paper. After that, we try to combine it and form the principle of design. Then we combine all the pieces of paper to create a artwork. The result come out as the photo show above. It doesn't have any meaning in this artwork, we just random draw the shapes then combine it. The reason why tutor need us do like this is because she need want make sure it is we understand what is the element of design and principle of design or not.

For me, i think it is very important for every designers, because if without this two, designers won't able to design anythings. Designers can play with this two to create many things and the idea will be new.


This was my first outdoor shooting. Yes, obviously that i am interesting photography. This is one of the reason that i am taking Graphic Design as my degree course. But i start learn photography during foundation. This is my first outdoor shooting, so the outcome definitely not so good, because people wont do well when 1st time. In this shooting, the photos i shoot total are around 300. Because i scare can't shoot a good photo. I try to use some of the technique in the shooting,like deep of field, long view, close up and etc. During the process, i found my weakness are shoot full body. Because the result come out like don't have the feeling in the photo,so most of the photo i shoot are half body.

 The two photos i show are the best two for me. The reason why i choose as the best photos is because of the angle show in the photos. In photography, angle is very important,because every difference angles can show difference meaning. Sometimes need use upper eye level to shoot, sometimes lower eye level,sometimes close up.


This is the 1st assignment for drawing II which is mood board. This assignment is using acrylic to paint it. Seriously, from the 1st sem, i very very hate to use acrylic to painting. The reason why is because it very very hard to use it for me. I cant use well in this medium.
And now, i improving it. Because of my friend teach me. I found that nothing is impossible,if u really want to do it. Even thought the result come out will not very good,but the process never give up,in the end,u will learn something new. Like me, from this assignment,i learn more about the technique in acrylic painting. And i getting more interesting on it.


This is the first CD album i did by last sem Computer Graphic subject. And this cd album i did by used a very very high cost. Even though it used high cost to do it, it worth. Because i get good grade in this. 

I like this subject is because i can learn more the technique about photoshop and ai. Therefore, i can use this software to do many design things. From this assignment i know that, every design work is not easy to do. Because every step of the process, will face some problem, like ur design, concept and etc. But we can learn and get improve from the advise. Seriously, i am a very very lack idea on design. But i don know why sometimes i using many time to think about the ideas and it cannt come out any idea. The most important thing is, sometimes the idea come out automatic in last mins. So,it make me think about it,is it i am suitable to be a designer.


"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." quoted from Micheal Jordan.

Michael Jordan is a retired American professional basketball player. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game ) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game ).

He is one of the basketball player I admire. Because he play well in basketball and everyone adore him. He never give up in his life, even though there is tough task. He said ' I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." Yes, everyone will face the failure in life, the thing is how we going to face it, give up or trying. People won't always success or failure in life, just the people wanna change it or not.

As a designer, must have this attitude in the career. Because every design or idea maybe will reject by client or boss. If reject, we should accept it and try again. Because we can get improve from the failure. If we don't accept it and not trying it, we can't improve and success in the end.

Facebook (2012). Retrieved 2nd July 2012, from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=470429809653093&set=a.396293510400057.108361.393646580664750&type=1&ref=nf.


The picture above is i first time using this kind of technique to capture photo. Actually this is for my digital photography assignment which is capture stop motion photography. This is my first time to use it,so still can't do it well. Most of the people can't do thing well in the first time,especially those genius. Of cause, i'm not a genius. During the progress,i used 40 balloons to test this. This is a very very tough progress. Why? This is because i not expert this kind of technique,i failed in the first few times. I test 10 times,but only success 1 time. But i never give up, i still trying. In the end of the progress,i only success few times. Most of the balloons are wasted.
Actually, in our life, everything we do, it will be a tough progress. Most of the times are can't success in the first time, is possible in the first time, but less. When we doing something, no matter how the thing is difficult, we should not easy to give up. We should try our best to complete it, no matter how the result come out. Doesn't matter if fail. We can learn from fail, and improve it. At least, we try our best to complete it, so we won't regret in the future.


I had seen this photo in facebook few days ago. When the first time u look at this photo,the first thing come out in your mind is just a normal photo. But actually is not. After you look carefully in this photo,you will find that it is very interesting, it is because the photo is capture with different perspective. It told us different perspective can bring out different meaning. It inspire us not only use one perspective to think, there have other perspective. The reason why we should think different perspective is because we will get somethings different in our mind. As a designer, this is the one should very useful when before create any new idea or creative idea. Then your idea will be very interesting.

Facebook.(2012). Retrieved 19th June 2012, from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=462809280413570&set=a.385598394801326.106037.385553101472522&type=1&ref=nf


My secondary school- SMK Kangkar Pulai

It isn't a very good and high level secondary school. But i had a lot of memory when studying.
why said so? It is because the facility,the environment and else are not very very good.
By the way,this is the negative thing. We should not only think for the negative perspective, positive also.
I had learnt a lot of things such as knowledge,skills and etc from this school. I also knew a lot of friends.
The most important thing was i found my dream in this school. My dream is be a photographer. The reason why is because i found that memory is important for everyone. Every things was happened,it become memory. And it represent what u did in the past. Also is a prove of a part of your history in your life. Photography is like a magic,it can help u keep the things u cannt hold it on hand. And also can allow the time back to the past. It mean we can use photo to yearn our pass.


This lake i taken at Taiping when trip with my family.
The reason i choose the perspective to capture this is because it can give people the feeling of peaceful.
forget the things in the mind,let the mind blank,
and enjoy the peaceful in the moment.
Some people like quiet environment, some people does not.
Like me,sometimes i like quiet, sometimes i like noisy.
I like noisy is because sometimes i want the happy around surrounding,
like everyone can chat and play like very happy.
Sometimes i like to quiet,like the photo above.
It because when i down mood or thinking sometimes,
the quiet environment can let me calm down,
and let me think a lot of things.



this photo is i taken at sungai lembing,kuantan during my sembreak.
this is an sunrise photo.
the reason why i will take this photo is because sunrise represent a new day.
It mean what happen in yesterday is already end,
and start a new life in a new day.
We should forget all the unhappy things happened in yesterday,
and should enjoy today.
For me,i quite like to capture the screen of natural,
is because the screen is very beautiful and not every screen can see in normal busy life.
And there have some meaning behind the screen.
Some people will think capture photo is an easy thing,
but is not.
Capture photo is mean we use photo to record the important moment in our life,
and become a prove of the memory.
Like this sunrise photo,it remind me should forget all the things happened in yesterday,
things already happened,and it can't change.
We should looking forward,not just stand at the starting point.
It let me learn what are my weakness in yesterday and improve it today,
that whys i can improve myself everyday.